Web Garden Consulting, LLC

The Art of Search Engine Optimization

Every moment of every day, search engines are indexing information from around the web & serving it to billions of people across the world. Our proprietary techniques, developed by Dave, optimize your site from the inside out ensuring that the information you want your customers to see can be found on search engines and ultimately reach their screens.

Passive SEO

The back-end optimization on your website which “feeds” search engines in such a manner that highlights relevant keywords, phrases, images, videos, etc specific to your business, products and services. Along with tidy coding, mobile readiness, well-written content & several proprietary techniques I have developed to increase your websites exposure to organic traffic.

Why organic traffic?

Organic traffic is the number of hits your website gets when users on Google (or another search engine) are searching for your company or relevant keywords, important people, services, products and/or ideas that your company offers, and then they find your site listed in their search results and decide to click to go view your website for more info or to make a purchase. So… Organic traffic is traffic you don’t have to pay for or work for, rather… you can think of organic traffic as being a sales representative (whom you don’t need to pay) that’s sending you leads for free! Yes… putting in the time to position the website in search results in it’s niche market takes time and some effort, but it’s mostly a fixed cost and the return over time on well written/useful content can be considerable!

Indexing and Post-Design Optimization

The most import thing after your site gets indexed is that when users make it to your site, they have a fast, smooth and enjoyable experience. Submitting your site to search engines such as Google and Bing/Yahoo + submitting listings for your business to Google & Apple Maps (if you have a physical location), Google My Business and any other business listing sites you wish you join such as Yelp, LinkedIn, Facebook Biz Page, etc are all critical components to building a healthy “digital landscape”.

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