Web Garden Consulting, LLC

5 Tips For Every Blogger!

Often clients ask, “I want to start blogging, but I have no idea how to… help?” So I’ve put together these 5 pro tips on how to blog effectively.

  1. A Great Title Sets You Apart!

    Use a Split Tester to get the best results and keep track of which titles get the best results. Plugins like Title Split Tester this allow you to configure several post titles that WordPress displays to your readers randomly. It also keeps track of which titles get the most readers and can help inform your post titles in the future.

  2. Featured Images

    Control what image your readers see when your post is accessed by 3rd party sites and readers by adding a featured image to your posts. Featured images should be square and between 300px and 500px in size. You can use GIMP, a free image manipulation tool, to edit your images to the desired size.

  3. WordPress SEO

    WordPress SEO by Yoast allows you to input custom Titles, select Focus Keywords and craft elegant Meta Descriptions that are custom tailored to your subject matter. Carefully crafting your SEO settings statistically improves how indexable your site is on major search engines and helps your readers find your posts effortlessly!

  4. Zemanta… Wait? What?

    Related Posts by Zemanta is a plugin that connects your blog to a network of blogs that offer your readers related posts that share subject matter with your posts. In return other blogs will feature your posts and link readers to your site in the reverse fashion! Zemanta has been shown to increase your blog-traffic by 10%-20% efforlessly!

  5. Tagging, Linking, Images & Video

    Every blog post should have at least 1 image/video, at least 5 tags, at least 2 internal links (links to other posts/pages on YOUR site) & at least 1 external link that utilizes the target=”_blank” protocol – which is html for “open this link in a new window/tab”.



By following these simple steps your blog will be well on it’s way to going viral!

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